
Need of Developing a prototype Operating System & components of educations OS

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Existing Tools for educational

Current educational purpose operating systems,tools & libraries with their features and limitations.

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Design of Picoc Interpreter

Design & internal workflow of picoc interpreter and building the same with xv6 kernel codebase with required additional fuctions in dietlibc library

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Design of Linkage editor for xv6

This chapter describes the types of linker & suitable designing strategies of built-in linker for xv6

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Design for File System Modifications

This chapter gives an overview of underlying filesystem structure and proposed modifications in it.

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Porting Picoc to xv6

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Implementing Changes in File System of xv6

Implementing the proposed changes in inode structure & block allocator in File System of xv6

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Implementation of static linker in xv6

Porting newly designed static linkage editor to xv6 kernel

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Assignments for Operating System course using xv6

This chapter discusses a series of assignments that can be incorporated into operating system coursework.

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