During designing a built-in linker there is one crucial question to be tackled is of deciding
type of linker to be built. There are two main types of linkers that are static and dynamic
In static linking, linker copies all of the library routines used in the program in executable
image. This requires more memory space for every program than dynamic linking. But it
is to accommodate and doesn’t require extensive kernel support while loading a program
in memory. It also doesn’t require run-time library version to be available in memory all
the time during running of program.
Whereas in dynamic linking only name of shared library is placed in executable image.
Actual linking with the library routines is not performed at compile time. All such shared
libraries are placed in memory at some predefined address space. So when the program
is run it can refer to those routines even though they are not part of it’s final executable.
Though dynamic linking is more advantageous and is the modern day de-facto stan-
dard, we have designed static linker for xv6. This choice is made so that original kernel
code of xv6 remains simple and easy to read. Also another aspect of dynamic linking is
that it requires some complex memory management and process management schemes
that will make allow two or more processes two share same piece of common code. So
by abiding to basic principle of this project which aims at readability of source code we
have opted for static linker in this version of xv6. This is done so that student will easily
get hands on experience of tweaking source code of linker without much hassle. Refer
assignment sections.
The linker scans all the relocatable object files given on the command line. Finally it
converts all the input .o files into final .out. During this scannig , the linker maintains
3 sets. First E, which is of relocatable object files that are finally merged to form the
final binary, Second U of unresolved symbols, (it contains undefined symbols) and third
D, a set of symbols that have been defined in any of the input files. All three of them are
initially empty.
1. For every input file on the command line, the linker determines if it is an object file.
If it is an object file, the linker adds it to set E, and it adds all the respective defined
and undefined symbols in set D and U respectively. This process is repeated in loop
to include all the files.
2. In second step linker tries to match the unresolved symbols in set U against the
symbols defined in set D. As such entries are found in set U, it is deleted from there
and added to D. That is it verifies if all the previously undefined symbols in certain
input file are found in some other input object files as they are processed sequentially
so as to resolve undefined references.
3. If after step two, set U is nonempty when the linker finishes scanning the input files
on the and it prints an error and terminates. As it indicates that some Undefined
symbols have not found their respective definitions. Otherwise, it merges and builds
the final executable using below mentioned relocation algorithm.
Compilers and assemblers produces intermediate executables which have their code and
data sections that by default start at address 0. The linker finally relocates these sections
by assigning a relative address to each symbol definition, and then modifying all of the
references to those symbols so that they point to this newly modified address location.
Relocation is a two-step process:
In this step, the linker merges all the sections of the same type into a new final section
of the same type. For example, the .text sections from the input modules are all merged
into one section that will become the .text section for the output executable file with
relative address managed as each input file is processed. The linker then assigns run-time
memory addresses to the new final sections and to every such section defined by the input
object files, and to every symbol defined by the input files. At the end of this step every
instruction and global variable in the program has a unique memory location.
In this step, the linker modifies every symbol references in the bodies of the code and
data sections so that they point to the correct run-time addresses. To perform this step,
the linker relies on data structures in the relocatable object modules known as relocation
entries, which are described in next section:
relocation entries
It is basically a data structure used by POSIX standard ELF format that is being used
during process of relocation. It stores necessary information regarding all of the entries
in the object files that are to be relocated. So it mainly consists of an offset that is to
be added to an address location of entries that are to be modified. It specifies the type
of reference for that particular entry like if the address to be modified is of object or
relocation types
ELF defines 11 different relocation types. We have considered only the two most basic
relocation types
This is a 32-bit PC-relative address. That is when such address is used in any instruction
then the effective address is calculated by adding the offset mentioned in the instruction to
the current run-time value of program counter. Such addresses are generally found in CALL
instructions. Where the effective address of some function is calculated by adding the
offset encoded in the instruction to current PC value to give the value of the next address
in memory. Pointers also make use of this type of relocation types while performing used
in instruction.
This is a 32-bit absolute address. In case of absolute addressing, the CPU directly uses
the 32-bit value encoded in the instruction as the effective address. Such address mode is
used by instruction when it is accessing any variable which is defined in the data section
of the executable file.
foreach section s {
foreach r e l o c a t i o n entry r {
/∗ p t r t o r e f e r e n c e t o be r e l o c a t e d ∗/
ptr for modify = s section start + r . offset ;
/∗ R e l o c a t e a PC r e l a t i v e r e f e r e n c e ∗/
i f ( r . t y p e == R 386 PC32 ) {
run−time a d d r e s s ∗/
r e f a d d r = ADDR( s s e c t i o n s t a r t ) + r e f a d d r ;
∗ p t r f o r m o d i f y = (ADDR( r e l o c e n t r y r s y m b o l ) +
(∗ p t r f o r m o d i f y − p t r f o r m o d i f y ) ) ;
/∗ R e l o c a t e an a b s o l u t e r e f e r e n c e ∗/
i f ( r e l o c a t i o n e n t r y . t y p e == R 386 32 )
∗ p t r f o r m o d i f y = (ADDR( r e l o c e n t r y r . symbol ) + ∗ p t r f o r m o d i f y ) ;