Design of platform for Picoc interpreter xv6-picoc

3.1 Design of platform for Picoc interpreter

3.1.1 Workflow of Picoc

The basic outline of how Picoc interprets the code can be described briefly as follows:
1. It first Allocates enough space on heap for loading given program in memory.
2. It then tokenizes the given source code into different categories such as variables, function declarations, function definitions etc.
3. It then parses the given source code as per the language grammar to find out if there are any early stage syntax errors.
4. While parsing the source code it parses one statement at a time, and identifies dif- ferent types of tokens in given statement.It also associates proper semantic meaning to those tokens.
5. If while parsing a given statement, it is found that a call to external function is made then definition of that function is first searched in local as well as global list of built-in function libraries.
6. Once that function definition is found, a wrapper for that particular library function is called. After some prepossessing, a standard library call inside that wrapper then does the rest of work and returns back. Hence control of flow goes back to interpreter parser engine again.
For example, if a call to printf is there in the source of given program then in first step Picoc tokenizes it as Cprintf. In second step it is associated with semantic meaning of function call to it. In third step actual definitions of Cprintf is searched in an list of by default included library files. Here in this case this is in stdio.c. So a call to Cprintf function from stdio.c will be replaced in place of printf. The implementation of Cprintf will then make a call to standard library version of Printf.

3.1.2 Adding library support for Picoc

Any intermediate stages of interpreter processing involves many crucial functionalities such as tokenization, symbol generation, semantic linking etc. These all functionalities make use of many of the standard string processing functions such as strtok, strlen, strncmp etc. But currently when we build xv6 kernel these functions are not there in it’s standard C library. Hence firstly we have implemented all of these functions specific to xv6

3.1.3 Building Picoc interpreter in xv6

Right now Picoc can only be build using GCC compiler bundle. As xv6 doesn’t have that right now we have used following approach for building this interpreter.
1. First Picoc is built by giving -C option to GCC in standard Linux environment. This option creates relocatable object file of final executable.
2. This relocatable executable of Picoc is then linked with the standard library of xv6. So this arrangement makes sure that all the relocatable files are produced by GCC but are finally linked against library provided in xv6.
3. While linking these relocatable files against xv6’s standard library all the function definitions that are required or functions which are called by Picoc but whose defi- nition is not found in current library have to be added to current library.