After great success of Linux kernel, more and more developers (nearly 20391 for v3.5)
across the world are finding greater interest in the particular model adopted for it’s
development. Also Operating System is conventionally regarded as the most difficult
as well as intriguing piece of code. It is been observed through some of the formal
methods of public opinion gathering and social network data that it is the most sought
after software and college level course in undergraduate programs of computer science
engineering. But rather a contradictory result shows that average age group of latest
Linus kernels contributors is 36 years which is much more than expected age of 25 years.
A deep inquiry into this fact poses a several question regarding the current method of
teaching OS at entry level college courses.
Most modern day kernels have large supports large number of system calls due to
their backward compatability and because of various services that they provide. As a
result though student grasps the theoretical knowledge about OS concepts, one remains
marginally aloof of the core implementation details which restraints him from participat-
ing in active OS development. Hence most fundamental aim of this project is to develop
small prototype Unix like OS that can be essentially used for education purposes. The
main reason behind developing such OS is to help wide spread student community in
understanding the basics of OS through practical demonstrations. Such OS can be used
by educators around the world for teaching basic working of system softwares and their
interaction with different OS components.
Hence considering this we have developed a small OS which can be used and easily
learnt too. But only developing such small OS wouldn’t suffice. As a result the important
part of this project is to develop some built in tool in such small educational OS to give
real time insight of it. And to produce a comprehensive course material containing the
documentation, tutorials and set of assignments that will probably give more deeper
insight into code base of this OS.
The critical issue in this project is to decide which softwares to be ported into such
educational purpose OS. Because considering the prime aim of this project it is very
much necessary to maintain the overall size of code base relatively small enough for
understanding of student level developers. In every OS, language processing activities
arise due to the differences between the manner in which a software designer expresses
the ideas and way computer instructions are understood by computer hardwares. So
there is tight binding between system softwares which convert high level programming
language instructs into machine language and OS which is responsible for executing that
program. Hence this OS includes a small interpreter named PicoC and a standalone
linkage editor developed specifically for this purpose.
One of the most crucial and recent change in software development cycle is reduced time
between development and deployment. Hence newer test mechanism such as /textitUnit
Testing has evolved. Because of this programmers these days make lots of changes to
source code in any given quantum of development time. When using a compiler, if a
change is made to the source, then compiler translate all the altered source files and
link all of those object files together by repeating whole test cycle before the program
can be executed. This process become cumbersome for larger program size. In contrast
to this a programmer using an interpreter can have marginal benefit, as the interpreter
translates the code being worked on to an intermediate representation , thus speeding up
the process of retesting. Also along with speed up in testing process, developers often find
interpreted languages to be more useful considering platform independant build process
for them. Features that are easier to implement in interpreters than in compilers include:
1. Reflection and reflective use of evaluator
2. Dynamic typing
3. Smaller executable program size
4. Dynamic Binding.
Hence languages such as Java and Python have become by default choice of many
software architects because of their comparatively lesser time of development and source
1. Understanding the fundamental working of linkers helps in building large programs.
Programmers who are involved in building large softwares often have to deal with
linking several vendor modules to their in-house modules, some libraries, or incom-
patible library versions. Unless one understands how a linker resolves references,
what a library is, and how a linker uses a library to resolve references, many a time
linking process becomes quite a nightmare.
2. Understanding linkers helps one in understanding the basic programming constructs
which as a result saves him from commiting dangerous programming errors The
algorithm that Unix linkers use when they resolve symbol references can affect im-
plementations of a program written in that language.
3. Understanding linking process helps in understanding how language scope rules are
implemented.For example, linking process can clearly give an overview of the meth-
ods used to differentiate between global variable and local variables having the same
names. This makes programmers aware of the insignificance of naming used in pro-
grammes but of their internal representations.
4. Understanding linking helps in understanding other important system softwares and
some kernel modules. For example executable files produced by linkers are processed
by loaders during loading and running programs, manging it’s memory and other
hardware resources.
5. Understanding linking will better enable you to decide between use of shared libraries
against static libraries along with it’s pros and cons. However, with the de-facto
use of shared libraries and dynamic linking in modern operating systems, linking
has become an important part of development process that provides an advanced
user more control and power over system.Also, most Web servers rely on dynamic
linking of shared libraries to serve dynamic content. Though initially the process
to upgrade all the servers from static linking to dynamic was cumbersome, it has
provided significant improvements in the performance.
As mentioned above the main purpose of this project is to make users aware of complex
functionality of system softwares that they are using. Hence for that reason we have
embedded several built in hooks into current code base of Xv6 which gives user the
step by step information of internal work flow of any given utility like linker, loader or
interpreter. This enables her to track down the actual source of that utility very easily
and modify it accordingly. This object code review utilities are very much useful for
making best use of assignment section of this report.